Call 215 849 2094or 215 232 1109 for more information.Is there Really only one way to practice Islam,Or have you been lied to?( We are rebuilding Muhammads Temple #12 ,and we are asking true believers,friends,and suporters to send a donation to help us do this hard job of bringing up a respectable Temple to pray and work in. Talk is cheap.Why lip profess?If you truly believe that Allah came to us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and raised up our Messenger Elijah Muhammad You should want to help.Dose this make sense to you?I know from experence that many of the believers have been mistreated in some Temples and by some Ministers,but this is not the case here.We don`t want to just get our hustle on,we truly are going to deliver 17 million dead to the Lamb of God.We must do more than just sell books,tapes,and trinkets if we plan to save our people.Armchair muslims never build anything but trouble for real time believers.This work has been going on for almost 9 years now after a fire,have you done anything at all to help Temple 12 rebuild (believer)?Did you know about the fire?Do you even care what happens to fellow muslims?Were you glad to see less Muslims out of the way of your hustle(and some do think the muslim program is thiers)?Every little bit helps.Do your part Allah Master Fard Muhammad will bless you.AS Salaam Alaikum. Your brother in Truth Minister Al Muntaquin Ali.